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Demag Hoist Parts ManualDemag Cranes Operation ManualDemag Dkun Hoist ManualThe Demag DH electric wire rope hoist was introduced to themarket in 1985 at the Hanover Fair.. Like any otherwear part on equipment, as the rope guide plastic rides on the steel drum, theinside diameter (ID) wears over time.. Rolling over loops with consecutive wraps could result in asheared rope and a dropped load because the overlap presses the underlying wirerope against the sharp-edged drum grooves.. Trapped loops createslack in the wire rope so when the hook is lowered, the released slack resultsin shock-loading. Click
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Since then, the model has served customerswith lifting needs up to 75 tons and in extreme environments.. Modern rope guides are designed to include a doublepressure roller assembly where rollers press directly on the rope so it smoothlytracks into the drum groove.. Were committed to your business success and know that when your cranes work, jobs get done and you make money.. Once the operator or the inspector seesthe rope guide wobble during operation, its time to replace or adjust it. HERE
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This results in positive and consistent spooling Demag wire rope hoists, including the DH and DMR models, have been designed soinspection, adjustment and replacement is easily accessible.. Remember allthose tangles in your fishing line after a cast that wasnt smooth? The ropeguide helps prevent that from happening. 3
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You can call our free support line anytime day or night, 24/7 Demag track and crane systems from the KBK construction kit - Overhead transport, exact positioning, ergonomic handling 36 Pages Now also up to 50 tons - The new Demag DR 20 rope hoist 4 Pages.. We are going to take you through how a trained servicetechnician would replace a broken or worn out rope guide and give you some tipson what prolongs the life of this component.. Like anyequipment used in your shop, proper maintenance and inspection is necessary tokeep you up and running to limit unnecessary downtime.. Both situations are dangerous tocrane operators and your workforce in the area Put safety first and rememberto inspect your wire rope hoist at recommended intervals and properly train allpersonnel.. DEMAG WORKS 24/7 SO YOU CAN TOO You work hard to meet your customers expectations, and we work hard to meet yours. e828bfe731 HERE
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If a wire rope hoist were to formloops, it would be detrimental to the hoist unit itself.. The easiest way tovisualize this concept is with a failed cast on a fishing trip. 5